groom exits green door during a wedding photography session on Manitoulin islands in McGregor Bay

2016 Wedding Photography Highlights

The 2016 FLOFOTO Wedding Photography season has wrapped, everyone!

From the surreal Ice Hotel in Old Quebec City to the fairy tale like Fairmont Banff Springs castle in Banff, AB.
There were Boat rides across McGregor Bay in a 100 year old canoe & absolutely losing oneself in a greatΒ big yellow sea of school buses!
-26c to +26c, snow storms, hot hot sunshine & even hurricane threats! #younameit

2016 had it ALL!!!!

On a personal note, Tennille got married (again) in Punta Cana & Zoe had a little (the cutest) baby boy!
What can we say, …it’s been a year JAM PACKED with Adventure!

A BIG Thank you to all of our lovely clients that let us experience their special day & of course thank you
to Stacey Lalande for jumping on the floor with us for 3 weddings this season.

We truly cannot believe weΒ still get to do this for a living & we hope you enjoy this glimpse into a few of our
favourite moments from this wedding photography season.



2016 Highlights FLOFOTO

Sudbury, Toronto, Old Quebec, Banff, AB, Manitoulin Island & More.

Follow us on social Media @flofoto1 to stay up to date on our latest Stories & Adventures!

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