June 9, 2018

I love shooting Behind the Scenes. Being on set, all that creative energy, having all of that talent around me & getting to do my own thing while the magic on set comes together.

& while everyoneย is focused on the job & on their own roles on set, I can just play around them… it’s like my own secret shoot within the shoot.

I recently had the MAJORย pleasure of visiting the incredibly talented photographer Richard McLaren‘s set where he was shooting Country Music Super Star Gord Bamford !!

& to top it all off, the shoot was at this really cool location, in the middle of the desert called Club Ed, aย film set built in 1990 for the filmย “Eye of the Storm“.

( side note /cool alert : its also down the road from the Kill Bill Church! whaa!!)

It was so great to witness Richard in action!! Getting to see his set ups, how fast he works with his team, the way he engages with the talent… HUGE privilege!!

& I made sure to soak it all in & also got to snap a few Behind the Scenes shots to share. Here are just a few, edited by my partner in crime, Tennille Heinonen.

Big Thanks to Richard for having me out!

On Set with Richard McLaren


Location: Los Angeles, California