So here’s a lil something we’ve been sitting on for a few weeks now that we’ve been absolutely DYING to share.
Ladies & gentlemen…from The Sudbury Burlesque Crew,
The Marvelously Ravishing Dolce Teta’s …(&/or Jess Crowe!!!!)
For sometime we have been building an idea to showcase the confident siren (Jess) to depict her as a perpetual roaming lady of the grand theater even with seats entirely
vacant. Our intention was to express her dedication to the stage with these images given she’s seemingly always participating in the performing arts.
Thank You to the stunning Jess Crowe for your time & patience & a very big thank you to the more than helpful crew at the STC!! The breathtaking gown worn in the
frames was kindly lent from Nelia’s Designer fashions & the sleek steel microphone is very much thanks to Don Kunto! Big thank you to Praxair for the dry ice & to
Entertainment Solutions for the Hazer & Dry Ice machines.
& a massive! THANK YOU to the of course talented Stacey Lalande who acted as second shooter & self proclaimed glorified dry ice/hazer operator. Your wisdom is
always more than helpful & I have nothing but fun with you when working together.
Here is our vision of this hauntingly beautiful woman. We do hope you enjoy the show.
Sudbury Burlesque Creative
Featuring the Marvelously Ravishing, Dolce Tetas