sudbury Ontario fashion photography of projector projecting city scape onto model against a wall

portrait photography . Hot & Cold . Taylor Austin

Here we have a bit of a switch with our latest portrait photography session featuring the very stunning Taylor Austin.

We typically plan out at least one creative portrait a year but things had somewhat become rather busy over the last while.Β Working with Taylor was prime opportunity to attempt a few new tricks we’ve been hoping to try for some time now.

At the top of our list was use of a projector after seeing an incredibly inspirational portrait session that featured simple shapes projected onto a beautiful model. After years of photographing lights on empty dance floors & breathtaking landscape from our travels, we figured now was the best time to implement our work within our work. Outside of this technique, we also brought in a smoke machine, a prism, & lastly a wet suit for a β€œway too late in the year” water shoot to close off the stock. Taylor was in the market for versatility so we looked at this as a chance to β€œtry it all” LOL!

After shooting a few looks at Dance evolution Studio, we headed to the beach for a late enough hour so that we could get some calm water & potentially some warmer tones. Unfortunately overcast struck BUT we tried a few things in the chilly water that we wound up being extremely fond of. We also tried a heavy cream pour despite its obvious & annoying sexual inuendo but with mild geometric experimentation, we still wound up enjoying the overall frame.

In the end, Taylor knocked it outta the park posing for the lens & with the sophistication of Dana Lajeunesse’s talent on makeup, the overall look was of course very much elevated. (As always) Thank you Dana!! We also were very happy to have Makeala doing hair throughout the day so a Big Thank You there as well!! I personally am happy with the end result but do wish I’d been a little more adventurous with shutter drags when using the projector & definitely wish I’d implemented the Prism far more. There’s always next time.

It’s always a good feeling to stretch the creative wings so thank you again Taylor, Dana & Makeala. I trust we’ll try something fun again in the future! Perhaps something a little more focused or who knows, another kitchen sink session. Either way, we had a blast!

Here are just a few of our best frames from that day.

For those interested in more Portrait photography of ours, visit our Editorial section on both our Reels & Stories sections.
For our past session with Taylor visit this blog.

Feel free to contact us on our contact page if you’re interested in booking a Portrait session with FLOFOTO & for more “up to date” stock follow us on insta or FB via @flofoto1

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